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The Legal Bit

What are the ‘rules’ about mentioning Taylor Made Cakes when using flowers and designs as part of your business?

I would be so happy for you to start your business using my flower tutorials, after all, sharing my passion for design and baking is what my business is all about! I have over 1000 professional bakers making my designs and using them in their own beautiful bouquets and individual cupcakes.  However, teaching my designs as your own, for your own gain, for social media reach, website interaction, brand awareness or for financial benefit, is a breach of copyright under my artistic works. If you are unsure about what constitutes a breach of copyright please contact myself or the team for more information.

I will follow any and all incidents and findings to the maximum of the copyright law.


Burnt House Farm Business Park, Smarden, Kent, TN27 8PG

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