
Equipment Required

by Jane Taylor

Amazon Recommendations

After many requests, I have spent some time going through Amazon and picking out some MUST have essentials for you. Due to the sizing differences etc. I have started with the UK…BUT I am currently working on Canada & US too! Bear with me!

Canada Store Front COMING SOON


I have created a list of equipment for you all. Please turn to a search engine or use my Amazon list above to find an alternative. Please also bear in mind that I am in the UK, and some suppliers may not be able to ship worldwide, this does not mean to say that you won’t find an alternative in your location.

Enjoy! Jane x

Equipment required

Cupcake cases

Muffin / cupcake cases 51mm x 38mm
In America you will use jumbo cases

Boxes to transport bouquets

For 7 cupcake bouquets
9 inches x 9 inches x 6 inches

For 12 cupcake bouquets
12 inches x 12 inches x 6 inches

All the other size cupcake bouquets do not require a box as they are heavy enough to sit in the footwell or the boot of a car.

Piping bags

I use ILAUKE 15 inch piping bags from Amazon make sure you purchase the ones with the writing on the bag not the cheaper ones.

Food colouring

Any gel food colourings or sugar pastes will be suitable! With sugar pastes please watch my YouTube video.

Piping nozzles

You can purchase all nozzles from Google, simply type in the tip number (Wilton 104 piping nozzle) and you will find them.
I also have an online shop on my website listing most nozzles. Please note I do ship internationally.

Tissue paper

Try and purchase sheets of acid free tissue paper 75cm x 50cm approximately doesn’t matter if they are slightly bigger.


I purchase my rolls of cellophane 80cm wide x 100m long. Look for this sizing.

Cupcake boxes

Simply type windowed cupcake boxes and you should find a supplier close to you.

Organza pull bows

These are available in my shop or online I use the large 50mm pull bows.

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