Buttercream Bloom Awards T&C’s 

The second annual Buttercream Bloom Awards starts August 1st 2024! There are four levels of awards to compete for – Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze across four categories – Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring.

Bakers are encouraged to enter an image of their favourite buttercream floral cupcakes, large celebration cakes or bouquets that they have created across the four categories. You do not have to submit an entry for every category, but you may only submit one entry per category.

You may only submit different images for entry in each category. Duplicated images across categories will be deleted.

By participating in this TMCC competition, you agree to the terms and conditions stated below.

The competition will open at 6am GMT+1 on August 1st 2024 and all entries must be submitted before midnight GMT+1 on August 20th 2024, to be counted. Please ensure you are aware of the GMT+1 time when submitting your entries from overseas.

Voting closes 31st August 2024

Uploaded entries must be made before 20th August 2024 to be counted and verified.

Only one vote per category per IP address for the duration of the competition will be counted and verified. Any other votes from the same IP address will be blocked. The system is set to register duplication of IP and will remove votes should any duplicates occur.

You may not vote for your own entires.

Any entries made outside of these GMT+1 dates and times will not be counted or verified.

A single baker may only submit a maximum of ONE entry per category (4 in total). Any additional entries will not be counted or verified. ONE entry for Honourable Mention.

One vote per person is permitted across each category. Restrictions will be placed in accordance with IP addresses to ensure that voting is fair across all award levels and categories.

Votes will be cast via votes on images of each entry ONLY via the online Buttercream Bloom Awards page on www.taylormadecakecourses.com – only votes made via this webpage will be counted and verified.

Jane Taylor will not be responsible for choosing the winner(s) of the Buttercream Bloom Awards, nor will she be casting a vote of her own.

Only entries containing floral cake designs will be counted and verified, including floral cupcakes, bouquets and celebration cakes.

Winners for each category and level will be chosen by the number of likes generated by the general public via ONLY the Buttercream Bloom Awards page on the TMCC website.

In the event of a tied prize winning, the prize will be evenly split between the two or more tied parties.

Entrants are responsible for sharing and promoting their entries across all their online platforms for votes to be cast. There are no restrictions on where you can share your entries.

Gaining votes for your entries is your own responsibility. Please use the available platforms applicable to yourself or your business to promote your entries.

Please ensure voters are provided with correct and accurate information when casting their votes – TMCC takes no responsibility for misinformed voters.

Your entries may also be shared and promoted via TMCC’s marketing team – Rockpool Creative.

Winning entries will be featured on the official TMCC Buttercream Bloom Awards page alongside a link to your website and or a social media page.

Prizes have been amalgamated from suppliers and companies that Jane recommends to all her students and uses herself. Only verified suppliers have been asked to participate in the prize collection for this competition.

After the competition closes, all winner’s entries and business information will remain listed on the TMCC BBA webpage until the following annual awards.

Prizes have been grouped based on monetary value and assigned to the winning levels reflecting their cost.

Prizes cannot be swapped for vouchers, cash or alternatives.

Prize packages cannot be swapped or changed by winners under any circumstances.

Prize packages may be altered or changed by TMCC to provide the best possible results for winners and external suppliers.

Any conduct deemed inappropriate, unkind or not supportive to any other entry or business taking part will not be tolerated – this will result in your entry being discarded and you being blocked from participating in this and any future competitions.

Please conduct yourself as you would expect others to conduct themselves. Any behaviour deemed by TMCC administrators to be unkind, unnecessary or rude will result in your removal from this and all future competitions as well as being blocked from all TMCC social media platforms.

Rainbow Dust can only gift & sell in the UK. Should you win and are located outside of the UK. Unfortunately, any Rainbow Dust prizes will be unavailable to you.

Prop Options prize are redeemable on orders over £50 in value. In the event of a multiple win (ie. One each of Platinum, Gold & Silver) the vouchers will need to be spent in seperate orders of £50+.

All award winners will receive their own Buttercream Bloom Award badge for display on websites and social media platforms. These will only be provided in PNG format and can be shared across any platform as the winner sees fit.

TMCC reserves the right to refuse any entries not in keeping with these terms and conditions or the overall ethos of the Buttercream Bloom Awards.

Voting is automated and cannot be tampered with or disputed. Final decisions are final.

You may not submit entries that are not your own work under your own name – this is a copyright breach and will be investigated fully.

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