
Taylor Made Business Course: Module Five – Marketing & Social Media


I am proud to now offer my online business course in modules! By recording this course in 5 modules, I am able to give you a full breakdown of all of the tips, tricks, ideas and errors I have had as a home baker over the years. 

I have work very closely with my marketing team FES Enterprises/Rockpool Creative , as so much of what you ask is tied into their advice and work too. They are with me during these pre recorded videos, so you can watch us interact in our empowering (and humorous) way. 

This module – 

Social Media & Marketing: Including but not limited to; Social media, photography and other ways to market your business.

The reason I created all of my courses, especially this course, is because at the very beginning of my baking journey I searched high and low for a business course which would help me along my way, which was friendly but experienced in tone and not a stuffy intimidating lecture LOL. There wasn’t one! This course is created to help you up a step, move you forward and encourage you along the way and guide you with our combined experience.

 If you are looking for a super formal course, this isn’t for you. If you are looking to learn from experience, you have come to the right place. 

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All content, advice and guidance contained within this tutorial is based on the years of real life industry experience, trial and error and research conducted by both Jane Taylor and FES Enterprises/Rockpool Creative. No party is qualified to provide you with a qualification in business or baking/piping, this however is priceless information that can not be gained from any formal business course or accredited body.

No qualifications can enable this advice and guidance to be more accurate than the experiences themselves. During business, mistakes and errors occur all the time, the participants in this video are giving you the knowledge of their own personal experience and knowledge based on their years of problem solving and specific industry issue resolution.


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