Taylor Made Trained Referral Program Terms & Conditions

Terms and Conditions for Taylor Made Trained Bakers Members

As a member of Taylor Made Trained you are agreeing to the terms and conditions outlined in this document. You are expected to adhere to these terms and conditions as pertains to any order received by you from TMC where you operate under the title of Taylor Made Trained. 

TMT – Taylor Made Trained 
TMC – Taylor Made Cake Courses
TMCOT – Taylor Made Cakes of Tenterden

In order to become a TMT baker you must have purchased or attended a TMC online, location or 1:1 course and have practiced the Taylor May Way methods.

•You may use your TMT badge on your website and or social media platforms only for the duration that you are a recognised member of the TMT referral and showcase platform. 
•Copyright of TMT badges belong to TMC and are not to be altered or shared with third parties. 
•You must provide accurate and up to date details of your business for your listing on TMC and TMCOT. Should you change your website address or Facebook @tag or any other details about your business it is your responsibility to update the TMC admin team.
•A backlink is a vital part of this platform – a backlink is created when a page of another website links to a page on yours. Backlinks are important to google and other search engines because they are essentially a digital vote of confidence i.e. TMC & TMCOT have a high google ranking due to their large volumes of daily visitors and high quality SEO. 
•You are entitled to have a featured blog on TMC or TMCOT. These are set to prioritise in chronological order, all blogs are set to archive systematically.
•You must keep your “open for business hours” accurate to avoid any confusion for potential customers.
•Your admin fee for annual membership must be paid in full before you are eligible to be featured on TMC or TMCOT websites.
•Admin fees are non refundable.
•You must have a good standard of food hygiene training and adhere to your local authorities food safety procedures in order to be a member of TMT.
•TMC makes no guarantees that you will see an increase in sales or revenue.
•TMC takes no responsibility for any complaints or grievances from any customers obtained via the TMT referral and showcase platform. 
•You are responsible for your own customer service and interactions once TMC has referred a customer via the page link. 
•You are under no obligation to accept an order that has been referred to you.
•TMC takes no responsibility for communicating on your behalf with any customers once they have chosen you via the referral page. 
•As a TMT member you are entitled to 10% OFF all TMC online tutorials for the duration of your membership. 
•There is no guarantee you will receive a referral.
•You are responsible for your own services and products.
•You are responsible for the impression of your services online.
•In the event of any dispute between yourself and a customer obtained via TMT you are responsible for the proper and appropriate resolution. TMC takes no responsibility for disputes.
•If you are unable to fulfil an order referred to you by TMT you must refer the customer back to the referral section of the TMC or TMCOT website.
•Potential customers will be referred to all TMT bakers available in their area – choice is at customer discretion and TMC take no responsibility or part in this decision. 
•Priority referrals or listings apply to no-one – every business is treated equally – TMC adheres to a strict non discrimination policy.
•TMC retain the right to revoke your membership in the event of misconduct. This is at TMC discretion. 
•The standards held by TMC community is one of empowerment towards each other – any breach of this policy will result in immediate removal from the TMT referral and showcase platform and the TMC group.

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