Beyond proud is how I’m feeling right now!

When @Rockpoolcreative and I first discussed The Buttercream Bloom Awards we never anticipated what actually happened. We thought maybe 100ish people would enter but boy we were wrong! Over 400 entires and over 15,000 votes! How amazing is that ! It was a huge success!

I’m so proud of everyone that entered, you’ve all worked so hard and what a wonderful way to showcase all of your beautiful masterpieces. Also, it was a wonderful way to show support to one another #bakingcheerleaders.

Now, we did, out of the 400 entries have a few concerns raised, which is to be expected! A couple of people were concerned about the fact that they wouldn’t stand a chance against other big accounts that entered? As I state all the time just because you have a large following doesn’t actually mean anything! And the proof was in the pudding (pardon the pun) one of the winners had around winner has 130 followers on Instagram…

Plus if you don’t enter, how would you ever know! It’s purely down to public vote and how much you shared your entries with your followers, family, friends etc etc

I will be running The Buttercream Blooms every year from now on..
Fab prizes, great exposure, fab marketing and brand awareness for your business. All winners are showcased on my website.

I would also like to take this opportunity to thank you all for the lovely messages you all sent to me. Very humbling and I really appreciate you all .

I will be releasing the secret voucher codes again this weekend. Please read the instructions carefully. This will be the last time this year that they will be hidden, so make the most of it and get searching for those secret voucher codes.

All my love

Jane x

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