I wish I had a friendly Facebook page like my Taylor Made students have when I first started my cake business. I was part of a group which at the beginning was brilliant but ended up being traumatic with me getting upset by women who were bashing each other.. bearing in mind they’d never even met each other🙈 it’s that typical thing of writing whatever the hell you like behind a keyboard.. without considering the feelings of the person you are bashing..

My Facebook community page couldn’t be further from this! All of my students are so lovely, each and every one of them. I have 1000’s of students now but they don’t all have Facebook so not everyone is on my community page. But the ones that I do have on there are delightful!

As you will know if you are part of my community I do not stand for any nonsense. When you ask to join you to have to agree to my rules or you don’t get accepted. Simples..

In the 3 years that I’ve had the group I’ve only had to remove one ☝️ I will not stand for it.. people should be encouraging each other and that’s where it ends for me. You are all in the same boat and everyone excels at different rates.. some of my students are giving me a run for my money, they are all so talented. I’m like a super proud mother ❤️

The messages I received over Christmas confirmed this for me. It’s so humbling to read all of them from my students. For some, they were thanking me for my videos because it meant they were that busy with their businesses that they could leave the full time job which they hated. How good is that 🙌🏻

So if you’ve purchased or are thinking of purchasing my videos do not fear it’s all cupcakes and roses in my group.

Just a little quote my besties and I use all the time:

‘ If you’re friends are not your biggest cheerleaders, they are not your friends’

Love Jane x

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