Guest Blog by Reaville Cakes | Taylor Made Trained | Reaville Cakes

Blooming Beautiful

They say if you love your job you’ll never work a day in your life!

It’s only taken me just over half a century to finally find a job that I love but Hey, better late than never, right!
Don’t get me wrong the days are long, very long some days and it does have it stresses, it’s not all been a piece of cake (pardon the pun) but when it all finally comes together and your customer is walking away delighted with what you’ve created you can breathe a sigh of relief and enjoy your achievement. Then before you know it your mind is racing forward to the next order or going into overdrive as an idea has popped into your head and your off again.

I started my business a year ago and never in my wildest dreams did I imagine I’d be running my own little Empire. As the title says, it’s never too late so take that leap of faith and follow your dreams. 💕

Reaville Cakes

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