Covid-19 is a living nightmare for most small businesses 🙈 myself included.  But what is has meant for me is time to reassess my business.  It’s given me time to properly assess my students and how they learn, what is the best way to learn? Online, 1:1 or group classes? The results were quite astounding.  

Now you would of thought that a 1:1 or group class in person is the way to go? You may be wrong! Of course my 1:1 and group class students are off the scale talented and their results are something to be proud of! Especially those that walked in scared and worried they wouldn’t be able to do it.  But when you learn a new skill in a day you can quite easily forget certain methods I use for piping different flowers🌸 and techniques for certain flowers etc etc 

By choosing online you can learn at your own pace and in the comfort of your own home.  You can decide when to have a practice and develop your piping skills further.  You can perfect one flower and then feel ready to master the next.  The fact the videos purchased online are yours forever means there is no time limit for your learning abilities.  At the beginning of each video I state the number of the nozzles you need, the colours I use and tips on how fill your bag and how to achieve two tone flowers and so and so forth… 

It doesn’t matter where in the world you are, you can learn this skill and make yourself a very profitable living.  You can choose your hours of work, your pricing and how you wish to design your cupcake bouquets.  I simply give you the building blocks to create amazing masterpieces.  Your flair and colour design will be your signature niche.  My students already have their own signature style!  I can see a photo come up on my social media platforms and know straight away who’s piped it because of its design.   The possibilities are endless.  

Here are two of my students amazing floral cupcakes! Both have learned solely online.  They are that confident that they have started designing their own flowers 🌸 so beautiful.

Left hand picture Tarine Tarrinee – Thailand | Right hand picture Gaby Leman – Burmuda

I haven’t been able to teach in my cake studio since January 😭 mainly due to me having Covid and recovering, then lockdown happened.  

I designed my cake studio so that I could comfortably seat 12 students for group classes and a large area for my 1:1’s to learn.  The thing that sets me apart from other tutors is I get really hands on with my students.  (Bit like Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore in the film Ghost 👻) it is imperative to me that my students know how to hold the bag and to do well. It’s a reflection on me so why would I want my students to fail.  I want them to flourish as much as I have and be successful business owners with a passion for what they produce.  For this part I am proud to say I have succeeded.  Receiving endless emails thanking me for my videos and sharing my skills.  It’s an honour if I’m being honest.  I’m like a proud mother 🤣  

Sadly I have had to shut the doors on my cake studio as it’s not financially viable to hold on to such a beautiful space when I know realistically I’m not going to be able to teach how I want to teach for at least another year.  So, for now all of my classes will be available online for you to learn at home.  I’m a believer that things happens for a reason.. bigger and better things are around the corner.  As my dear friend Jeff said to me “Talent don’t need a cake studio, talent got it all. Xx 🤣🤣

Anyway, onwards and upwards and happy piping everyone! As a little Christmas gesture, for every video purchased from now until Christmas Eve I will include a free Poinsettia video. Enjoy 😋 

Love Jane x 

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